Hanna Mina Writer

Hanna Mina (Arabic: حنا مينة‎) (born on 16 April 1924 in Latakia) is a Syrian writer, described as "Syria's most prominent novelist".His early novels belong to the movement of social realism, and focus on class conflict; his later works contain "a more symbolic analysis of class differences". His writing on the suffering of ordinary people was partly inspired by his own experiences, alternately working as a stevedore, barber and journalist; his autobiographical short story, "On the Sacks", was published in 1976. Several of his works are set during the period of the French Mandate of Syria, or in the period immediately following independence.Mina was awarded the Arab Writer's Prize in 2005, for his collective works.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1924
Birth place
Latakia , Syria
Demographics of Syria



Arabic language

Hanna Mina on Wikipedia