Hans Freeman

Hans Charles Freeman AM FAA (26 May 1929 – 9 November 2008) was a German-born Australian bioinorganic chemist, protein crystallographer, and Professor of Inorganic Chemistry who spent most of his career at the University of Sydney. His best known contributions to chemistry were his work explaining the unusual structural, electrochemical, and spectroscopic properties of blue copper proteins, particularly plastocyanin. He also introduced protein crystallography to Australia and was a strong advocate for programs to ensure Australian scientists have good access to "big science" facilities. Freeman has received numerous honours, including being elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (FAA) and appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) by the Australian Government. He was a charismatic lecturer who voluntarily continued teaching well into his formal retirement and imbued his students with a love of science.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 26, 1929
Birth place
Date of deathNovember 09, 2008
Place of death
University of Sydney
Master of Science
Bachelor of Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Known for
X-ray crystallography
Appointed Member of the Order of Australia 2005
Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science 1984
Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (1997–2008)
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (1971–1997)


Hans Freeman on Wikipedia