Harry Sahle Comics creator

Harry Frank Sahle (c. 1913 to c. 1954) was an American comic book artist who drew for such publishers as Archie Comics — helping create the defined look of Archie Comics' breakout character, Archie Andrews — Quality Comics and the Marvel Comics precursor company Timely Comics during the 1930s-1940s period historians and fans call the Golden Age of Comic Books. In 1940, with writer George Kapitan, Sahle co-created the Timely character the Black Widow, comics' first costumed, superpowered female protagonist. Sahle also created the long-running, early teen-humor character Candy, writing and drawing her comic misadventures for most of the character's 1944 to 1956 run in Quality Comics' Police Comics and in her own solo title, as well as in a newspaper comic strip.


Harry Sahle on Wikipedia