Hasib Hussain

Hasib Mir Hussain (16 September 1986 – 7 July 2005) was one of four terrorists who detonated bombs on three trains on the London Underground and one bus in central London during the 7 July 2005 London bombings.Hussain detonated a bomb on the No. 30 bus that exploded in Tavistock Square, killing 13 of the 52 people killed in the suicide bombings, and himself. Investigators found his body and personal effects on the bus. At the age of 18, he was the youngest of the group of four. The other men were Shehzad Tanweer, Germaine Lindsay, and Mohammad Sidique Khan.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 16, 1986
Birth nameHasib Mir Hussain
Birth place
England , Beeston Leeds , Leeds
Date of deathJuly 07, 2005
Place of death
England , London


Hasib Hussain on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://julyseventh.co.uk/7-7-profile-hasib-mir-hussain.html