Hava Volovich Writer

Hava Vladimirovna Volovich (Russian: Хава Владимировна Волович;1916–2000), was a Russian writer, actress, director and a Gulag survivor.Hava Volovich is known for her Memoirs, that are extremely valuable both historically and literary.Her notes from the prison-camp are being compared to Shalamov's stories and The Diary of a Young Girl by Anna Frank.Volovich narrates, with heartbreaking honesty, the story of her child born in the camp. Against everything that has been written about the selfishness, the venality of the women who bore children in the camps, stands the story of Hava Volovich. An american journalist and autor who has written about communism Anne Applebaum wrote about Hava Volovich in her Antologi "Gulag Voises" - Even in this extraordinary collections of essays, some by famous writeres, Volovich story stand out: she, like Elena Glinka, was not afraid to touch an taboo subjects

Personal facts

Hava Volovich
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1916
Birth place
Date of deathJanuary 01, 2000
Place of death
Soviet Union , Ukraine
