Henry Holland Architect

Henry Holland (20 July 1745 – 17 June 1806) was an architect to the English nobility. Born in Fulham, London, his father also Henry ran a building firm and he built several of Capability Brown's buildings, although Henry would have learnt a lot from his father about the practicalities of construction it was under Brown that he would learn about architectural design, they formed a partnership in 1771. He married Brown's daughter Bridget on 11 February 1773 at St George's, Hanover Square. In 1772 Sir John Soane joined Holland's practice in order to further his education, Soane left in 1778 to study in Rome. Holland paid a visit to Paris in 1787 this is thought to have been in connection with his design of the interiors at Carlton House, from this moment on his interior work owed less to the Adam style and more to contemporary French taste.Holland was a founder member in 1791 of the Architects' Club, which included Thomas Hardwick as a signtory. In the 1790s he translated into English A.M. Cointereaux's Traite sur la construction des Manufactures, et des Maisons de Champagne. Holland was feeling unwell in the early summer of 1806, on 13 June he had a seizure and his son Lancelot made this entry in his diary on 17 June, 'My poor father breathed his last about 7 o'clock in the morning. He had got out of bed shortly before and inquired what the hour was. Being told he said is was too early to rise and got into bed again. He immediately fell into a fit. I was sent for, and a minute after I came to his bedside he breathed his last.'. He was buried at All Saints Church, Fulham, in a simple tomb, a few yards from the house in which he had been born. Bridget Holland his wife lived for another 17 years and was the main beneficiary of her husband's will.

Personal facts

Henry Holland
Birth dateJuly 20, 1745
Birth place
London , Fulham
Date of deathJune 17, 1806
Place of death



Significant building
Carlton House

Henry Holland on Wikipedia