Herb Thomas Baseball player

Herbert Mark Thomas (May 26, 1902 in Sampson City, Florida – December 4, 1991 in Starke, Florida) was a right-handed minor and major league baseball player and minor league manager. Although his major league career lasted only three seasons, 1924, 1925 and 1927, for two different teams, the Boston Braves and New York Giants, his minor league career spanned 17 seasons. He played professionally in three different decades.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 26, 1901
Date of deathDecember 04, 1991


Baseball player

Career startAugust 24, 1924
Career endSeptember 22, 1927
batting sideRight
former teams
Atlanta Braves
San Francisco Giants
Second baseman
Atlanta Braves
San Francisco Giants
throwing sideRight

Herb Thomas on Wikipedia