Herbie Moran Baseball player

John Herbert Moran (February 16, 1884 in Costello, Pennsylvania – September 21, 1954 in Clarkson, New York), was a professional baseball player. He played as an outfielder in the Major League Baseball from 1908 to 1915. He played for the Philadelphia Athletics, Boston Braves, Brooklyn Dodgers, and Cincinnati Reds.In 1914, Moran was a member of the Braves team that went from last place to first place in two months, becoming the first team to win a pennant after being in last place on the Fourth of July. The team then went on to defeat Connie Mack's heavily favored Philadelphia Athletics in the 1914 World Series.

Personal facts

Herbie Moran
Birth dateFebruary 16, 1884
Birth place
Costello Pennsylvania
Date of deathSeptember 21, 1954
Place of death
Clarkson New York


Baseball player

Career startApril 16, 1908
Career endOctober 07, 1915
batting sideLeft
former teams
Atlanta Braves
Oakland Athletics
Atlanta Braves
Cincinnati Reds
Los Angeles Dodgers
Oakland Athletics
throwing sideRight

Herbie Moran on Wikipedia