Hermenegildo Capelo

Hermenegildo de Brito Capelo was born in Palmela, Portugal, in 1841, and died in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1917. He was an officer in the Portuguese Navy and a Portuguese explorer, helping to chart territory between Angola and Mozambique in southern Central Africa that was unknown to Europeans in the 1870s and 1880s. Alongside Roberto Ivens, he is famous for being the first European to cross Central Africa from coast to coast between Angola and Mozambique.Hermenegildo Capelo later rose to become aide-de-camp to King Luis I of Portugal and afterwards to King Carlos I and, later still, vice-admiral. His military career ended in 1910 when King Manuel II of Portugal was exiled.

Personal facts

Hermenegildo Capelo
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1841
Birth place
Palmela Municipality , Kingdom of Portugal
Portuguese people
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1917
Place of death
Lisbon , Kingdom of Portugal


Hermenegildo Capelo on Wikipedia