Hezekiah Allen Baseball player

Hezekiah Allen (February 25, 1863 – September 21, 1916) was a Major League Baseball catcher. Allen played for the Philadelphia Quakers in 1884. In 1 career game, he had two career hits in three career at-bats. It is unknown which hand he batted and threw with.Allen was born in Westport, Connecticut and died in Saugatuck, Connecticut.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 25, 1863
Birth place
Westport Connecticut
Date of deathSeptember 21, 1916
Place of death
Westport Connecticut


Baseball player

Career startMay 16, 1884
Career endMay 16, 1884
batting sideUnknown
former teams
Philadelphia Phillies
Philadelphia Phillies
throwing sideUnknown

Hezekiah Allen on Wikipedia