Hugh Bradley Baseball player

Hugh Bradley, born on May 23, 1885 in Grafton, Massachusetts, played first base in Major League Baseball from 1910 to 1915. On April 26, 1912 he hit the first ever home run at Fenway Park. Bradley died on January 26, 1949 in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Personal facts

Hugh Bradley
Birth dateMay 23, 1885
Birth place
Grafton Massachusetts
Date of deathJanuary 26, 1949
Place of death
Worcester Massachusetts


Baseball player

Career startApril 25, 1910
Career endSeptember 07, 1915
batting sideRight
former teams
Boston Red Sox
Newark Peppers
First baseman
Boston Red Sox
Pittsburgh Rebels
Brooklyn Tip-Tops
Newark Peppers
throwing sideRight

Hugh Bradley on Wikipedia