Irving Stringham Scientist

Washington 'Irving' Stringham (December 10, 1847 – October 5, 1909) was a "Professor of Mathematics and Sometime Dean in the University of California" born in Yorkshire, New York. Stringham is perhaps most notable as the first person to denote the natural logarithm as where is its argument. The use of in place of is commonplace in digital calculators today. "In place of we shall henceforth use the shorter symbol, made up of the initial letters of logarithm and of natural or Napierian. " Stringham graduated from Harvard College in 1877. He earned his PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1880. He began his professorship in mathematics at Berkeley in 1882. His PhD dissertation was titled Regular Figures in N-dimensional Space under his advisor James Joseph Sylvester'>James Joseph Sylvester.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 10, 1847
Birth place
Yorkshire (town) New York , United States
United States
Date of deathOctober 05, 1909
Place of death
Berkeley California , United States
Johns Hopkins University
Harvard College
