Jacqueline Nesti Joseph Artist

Jacqueline Nesti Joseph, a Haitian painter, was born in Port au Prince in 1932. During a career of over 50 years, Jacqueline has had exhibitions all over the world including the Guggenheim in New York.At a very young age Jacqueline moved to Paris to finish her studies. Thanks to the teachings of Claude Perset and a pupil of Georges Braque she settled in France and at the home of the artist Manfredo Borsi meeting André Verdet and the poet Jacques Prévert and artists such as Picasso, Chagall, and Magnelli. 1955, saw a turning point for Jacqueline when she travelled to Mexico and was introduced to Diego Rivera—who became her mentor and friend. Her return to Haiti inspired her intense work of painting where her homeland and surrounding landscapes are depicted in her work.Returning to Europe she met and married her husband Victor Nesti both inseparable until his death (R.I.P. 03/08/2008), Victor Nesti, born in Soho, London was an astounding artist in his own right and after working as a chef at the Hotel Carlton, he studied at the academy of Belle Arti studying with the master Ottone Rosai. With a number of personal exhibitions and listed viewings in the most accomplished galleries and museums worldwide.

Personal facts

Jacqueline Nesti Joseph
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1932
Birth place
Haiti , Port-au-Prince
