James C. Scott Scientist

James C. Scott (born December 2, 1936) is a American Sterling Professor of Political Science and Anthropology at Yale University. He is also the director of the Program in Agrarian Studies and a noted scholar of anarchism. Scott is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, has held grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, and has been a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Science, Science, Technology and Society Program at M.I.T., and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.Scott lives in Connecticut, where he raises sheep. He received his bachelor's degree from Williams College and his MA and PhD (political science, 1967) from Yale. He taught at the University of Wisconsin–Madison until 1976.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 02, 1936
Williams College
Yale University
