James Johnson American football player

James Johnson (born May 5, 1980) is a professional football player who is currently retired. He most recently played for the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League. Johnson played high school football. He started playing for West Los Angeles Junior College, but was not given any equipment until he made the team as a guard, after being switched from center. Arkansas State University then gave him a scholarship.Johnson was signed as a free agent by the Saskatchewan Roughriders in 2006, and dressed for a total of 15 games, starting seven at center. His college coach had sent a videotape to former Riders general manager Roy Shivers. "My college coach gave Mr. Shivers a call," said Johnson. "Mr. Shivers didn't really get a chance to see any tape on me, so he decided he was just going to bring me to camp. If I didn't perform he was going to send me home right away. I probably had the best training camp since my first year playing."Johnson was named the Most Valuable Player of the 95th Grey Cup on Nov 25, 2007 after including one for a 30-yard touchdown. His defensive efforts helped lead the Saskatchewan Roughriders to a 23–19 victory over their CFL Prairie rival Winnipeg Blue Bombers. It was the first time since 1994 that a defensive player was awarded the Grey Cup's top individual title. Johnson received a $10,000 bonus in cash for his efforts.It was only the Roughriders' third national football championship in 15 Grey Cup appearances.On February 16, 2009, Johnson was traded to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in exchange for a draft pick in the 2011 Canadian College Draft.Johnson became a free agent on February 15, 2007.

Personal facts

James Johnson
Alias (AKA)House johnson
Birth dateJanuary 01, 0022
Birth place
Highland Park Michigan , Highland Park mi
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)145.152


American football player

Mississippi State University
Free agent

James Johnson on Wikipedia