Jan Karski

Jan Karski (24 June 1914 – 13 July 2000) was a Polish World War II resistance movement fighter and later professor at Georgetown University. In 1942 and 1943 Karski reported to the Polish government in exile and the Western Allies on the situation in German-occupied Poland, especially the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the secretive German-Nazi extermination camps.

Personal facts

Jan Karski
Alias (AKA)Jan Kozielewski (birth name); Piasecki Kwaśniewski Znamierowski Kruszewski Kucharski and Witold (akas)
Birth dateJune 24, 1914
Birth nameJan Kozielewski
Birth place
Poland , Łódź
Date of deathJuly 13, 2000
Place of death
Washington D.C. , United States
Known for
Resistance during World War II
Individuals and groups assisting Jews during the Holocaust
