Jan Stráský Prime minister

Jan Stráský (born 24 December 1940 in Plzeň) is a Czech politician, who notably served as Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia in 1992.Stráský studied philosophy and political economy at the Charles University in Prague. During the 1960s-'80s he worked at the Central bank of Czechoslovakia. From 1964 to 1969 he was a member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.In 1991 Stráský became a member of the Civic Democratic Party, since 1992 he was member of parliament, minister of transportation (1993–95), and minister of health (1995–96). From 2 July - 31 December 1992 he served as prime minister. Since Václav Havel, at that time president of czechoslovakia, resigned due to his disagreement with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia on 20 July 1992, some presidential competencies were handed over to Stráský.Later he left politics and as of 2005 works in the civil service.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 24, 1940
Birth place
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia , Plzeň



officePrime Minister of Czechoslovakia
Civic Democratic Party (Czech Republic)

Prime minister

FromJuly 02, 1992
ToDecember 31, 1992

Jan Stráský on Wikipedia