János Damjanich Military person

János Damjanich (Serbian: Jovan Damjanić / Јован Дамјанић, December 8, 1804 – October 6, 1849) was a Hungarian general of Serb origin. He is considered a national hero in Hungary.He never lost on the battlefield.

Personal facts

János Damjanich
Birth dateDecember 08, 1804
Birth place
Straža (Vršac)
Date of deathOctober 06, 1849
Place of death
Arad Romania


Military person

military operations
Battle of Isaszeg (1849)
military command
*3rd Army Corps (1849)
*3rd Honved Battalion (1848)
*Fortress of Arad (1849)

János Damjanich on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabrit07chisrich#page/789/mode/1up