Jeff Lord

Jeffrey Lord is a former member of the Ronald Reagan administration, journalist, author, and political strategist in Pennsylvania.Lord earned a degree from Franklin and Marshall College. He first worked as a press aide in the Pennsylvania State Senate. He worked for Pennsylvania congressman Bud Shuster as legislative director and press secretary and for U.S. senator H. John Heinz III as executive assistant. Later Lord worked as chief of staff to Drew Lewis, who was a co-chairman of the Ronald Reagan presidential campaign. He also served in the Reagan White House as an associate political director. In that position he assisted in the judicial nomination process for several nominees, including Robert Bork. He also worked for Jack Kemp during the Presidency of George H. W. Bush.Lord now works as a journalist, contributing material to The Weekly Standard, The American Spectator, National Review Online, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and the Harrisburg Patriot-News. He has appeared as a guest on numerous televisions and radio programs. He also works as a political consultant for Quantum Communications, a Harrisburg-based political strategy firm.He is the author of The Borking Rebellion, about the confirmation of Federal Judge D. Brooks Smith. It received a generally positive review in the Wall Street Journal.In July 2010, Jeffrey Lord claimed that the “lynching” of a relative of Shirley Sherrod is fallacious.In August 2011, Jeffrey Lord wrote an article in The American Spectator that was critical of Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex.), and the views of some of Ron Paul’s supporters. It sparked considerable debate within the conservative movement.In May 2012, Jeffrey Lord wrote an article in The American Spectator that compared President Barack Obama to Mao Zedong because of the similarities between Barack Obama’s slogan “Forward” and Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward.In the same article, he also compared Obama to the Hitler Youth due to their song “Vorwärts! Vorwärts!” (Forward, Forward).

Personal facts

Franklin & Marshall College
