Jim Devlin Baseball player

James Alexander Devlin (June 6, 1849 – October 10, 1883) was an American Major League Baseball player who played mainly as a first baseman early in his career, then as a pitcher in the latter part. He played for three different teams during his five-year career; the Philadelphia White Stockings and the Chicago White Stockings of the National Association, and the Louisville Grays of the National League. However, after admitting to throwing games and costing the Grays the pennant in 1877, he and three of his teammates were banished permanently from Major League Baseball.

Personal facts

Jim Devlin
Birth dateJune 06, 1849
Date of deathOctober 10, 1883


Baseball player

Career startApril 21, 1873
Career endOctober 06, 1877
batting sideRight
former teams
Philadelphia White Stockings
Louisville Grays
First baseman
Chicago Cubs
Philadelphia White Stockings
Louisville Grays
throwing sideRight

Jim Devlin on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.baseballindex.org