Jim McDonald Baseball player

James Augustus McDonald (1860-1914), was a Major League Baseball player who played third baseman. He played in three separate major leagues in 1884-1885, the Union Association, American Association and the National League. He also spent a large amount of time (1878-1883, 1888-1894) playing on minor league teams on the west coast, particularly in the California League.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 06, 1860
Birth place
San Francisco
Date of deathSeptember 14, 1914
Place of death
San Francisco


Baseball player

Career startJune 20, 1884
Career endOctober 10, 1885
batting sideRight
former teams
Buffalo Bisons (NL)
Washington Nationals (UA)
Third baseman
Pittsburgh Pirates
Buffalo Bisons (NL)
Washington Nationals (UA)
throwing sideUnknown

Jim McDonald on Wikipedia