John Batorski American football player

John Michael Batorski (September 27, 1920 – November 16, 1982) was an American football end in the All-America Football Conference for the Buffalo Bisons. He played college football at Colgate University and was drafted in the 18th round of the 1944 NFL Draft by the Washington Redskins.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 27, 1920
Birth place
Lackawanna New York
Date of deathNovember 16, 1982
Place of death
Setauket-East Setauket New York


American football player

Career start1946
Career end1946
Draft pick
(by the Washington Redskins)
Draft round18
Draft year1944
End (American football)
Buffalo Bills (AAFC)

John Batorski on Wikipedia