John Bowie American football player

John Bowie (born May 11, 1984) is a former American football cornerback. He was most recently a member for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League. He was drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the fourth round of the 2007 NFL Draft. He played college football at Cincinnati.Bowie has also been a member of the Cleveland Browns, Hartford Colonials, Cincinnati Bengals and Hamilton Tiger-Cats.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 11, 1984
Height (meters)1.8034
Weight (Kilograms)86.184


American football player

Career start2007
Debut team
Oakland Raiders
Draft pick110
Draft round4
Draft year2007
Former team
Cincinnati Bengals
Cleveland Browns
Oakland Raiders
Hamilton Tiger-Cats
Hartford Colonials
Statuspractice squad

John Bowie on Wikipedia