John Bryson Chane Cleric

John Bryson Chane (born May 13, 1944) is a bishop in the Episcopal Church. He was the eighth diocesan bishop of Washington. He was elected on the second ballot and was consecrated on June 1, 2002. In his capacity as bishop, he also served as interim dean of the Washington National Cathedral while it searched for a new dean. He was President and CEO of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation which oversees the operations of the Washington National Cathedral and the three cathedral schools of Saint Alban's, the National Cathedral School for Girls, and Beauvoir School.He was named by Washingtonian Magazine as one of the 150 most influential leaders in the District of Columbia and recognized by the London Telegraph as one of the 50 most prominent leaders in the Anglican Communion.A leader in global interfaith dialogue and study he has traveled to Iran on numerous occasions as the invited guest of former President Sayyed Mohammad Khatami. In late 2011 he was part of a four person delegation that traveled to Tehran and was instrumental in freeing the American hikers held prisoner in Evan Prison. He is one of the few from the West who has ever met with the current Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khameni.He has participated as a presenter at three conferences, held in Oslo, Norway, and Tehran, sponsored by the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, the Club de Madrid, and Le Dialogue des Civilizations, focusing on religion, politics and terrorism, religion and politics and gender equality. He continues to work with the Brookings Institution in Washington DC as a planner and presenter at the Annual U.S. Islamic World Forum, held in Doha, Qatar. He has spoken on numerous occasions at the Industrial College of The Armed Forces in Washington DC, the US State Department's Secretary's Open Forum and as the Anglican principal at the semi annual Christian-Muslim Summit sponsored by Washington National Cathedral. As a respected speaker and preacher he has been invited on several occasions by the Chautauqua Institution of New York as Preacher in Residence and as a frequent speaker by the Department of Religion addressing various contemporary religious themes.Crane has been the recipient of various awards, including DC's Interfaith Bridge Builders Award, the George Washington University's President's Medal, the Berea College Founder's Medal, Search for Common Ground's Award for Global Peace and Reconciliation, the Rumi Forum's Global Peace Award, and the Yale Divinity School's Lux et Veritas Award.He was a contributing author to Iraq Uncensored, published by the American Security Project and a contributor to Messengers of Monotheism, published by Dog Ear Publishing.On January 30, 2010, Chane announced his intention to retire as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, relinquishing the role to his successor in 2011. The ordination and consecration of the ninth bishop, Mariann Edgar Budde, took place at the Washington National Cathedral on November 12, 2011.


Christian bishop


John Bryson Chane on Wikipedia

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