John Gilroy Baseball player

John M. Gilroy (1869–1897) was a 19th-century Major League Baseball pitcher and outfielder. He played for the Washington Senators of the National League during the 1895 and 1896 baseball seasons. He was playing with the Norfolk Jewels of the Atlantic League in 1897 when he died.He was interred at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Washington, D.C.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 26, 1869
Birth place
Washington D.C.
Date of deathAugust 04, 1897
Place of death
Norfolk Virginia


Baseball player

Career startAugust 30, 1895
Career endApril 18, 1896
batting sideUnknown
former teams
Washington Senators (1891–99)
Washington Senators (1891–99)
throwing sideUnknown

John Gilroy on Wikipedia