John K. Cannon Military person

General John Kenneth Cannon (March 2, 1892 – January 12, 1955) was a World War II Mediterranean combat commander and former chief of United States Air Forces in Europe for whom Cannon Air Force Base, Clovis, New Mexico, is named.

Personal facts

John K. Cannon
Birth dateMarch 02, 1892
Birth place
Salt Lake City
Date of deathJanuary 12, 1955
Place of death
Arcadia California
Resting place
Arlington National Cemetery


Military person

Bronze Star Medal
Distinguished Service Medal (U.S. Army)
Legion of Merit
Air Medal
military operations
World War II
military branch
United States Air Force
military command
Twelfth Air Force
94th Pursuit Squadron
Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force
Northwest African Training Command
service start1917
service end1954

John K. Cannon on Wikipedia

External resources
