John Marshall

For other people named John Marshall, see John Marshall (disambiguation).John Marshall (1756–1824) was a London publisher who specialized in children's literature, chapbooks, educational games and teaching schemes. He described himself as "The Children's Printer" and referred to children as his "young friends" He was the preeminent children's book publisher in England from about 1780 until 1800. After 1795 he became the publisher of Hannah More's Cheap Repository Tracts, and following a dispute with More he published his own similar series. About 1800 Marshall began to publish a series of miniature libraries, games and picture books for children. He died in July 1824 and his business was continued either by his widow or his unmarried daughter, both of whom were named Eleanor.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 28, 1756
Birth place
London St Mary Aldermary
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1824


John Marshall on Wikipedia