Juan José Arévalo President

Juan José Arévalo Bermejo (10 September 1904 – 8 October 1990) was a professor of philosophy who became Guatemala's first democratically elected president in 1944. He was elected following a popular uprising against the United States backed dictator Jorge Ubico that began the Guatemalan Revolution. He remained in office until 1951, surviving several coup attempts. He did not contest the election of 1951, instead choosing to hand over power to Jacobo Árbenz. As president, he enacted several social reform policies, including an increase in the minimum wage and a series of literacy programs. He also oversaw the drafting of a new constitution in 1945.Arévalo served as President from 15 March 1945 to 15 March 1951. Arévalo's administration was marked by unprecedented relatively free political life during his six-year term. Arévalo, an educator and philosopher, understood the need for advancement in individuals, communities, and nations by practical means. Before his presidency, Arévalo had been an exiled university professor. He returned to Guatemala to help in the reconstructive efforts of the new post-Ubíco government, especially in the areas of social security and drafting of a new Constitution. His philosophy of "spiritual socialism," referred to as Arevalísmo, may be considered less an economic system than a movement toward the liberation of the imagination of oppressed Latin America. In the post-World War II period, internationalist players such as the United States regarded Arevalísmo socialism as Communism, and therefore cause for unease and alarm, which garnered support from neighboring satellite caudillos such as Anastasio Somoza García.Many foreign estates were confiscated and redistributed to peasants, landowners were required to provide adequate housing for their workers, new schools, hospitals, and houses were built, and a new minimum wage was introduced.In Guatemala's cities, newly enfranchised labor unions accompanied reformist labor law that greatly benefitted the urban lower and middle classes. Several parties and trade unions formed, and the enfranchisement of a large proportion of the population were significant legacies of his term. These benefits did not spread to the rural agrarian areas where hacendado traditions, termed latifundia, remained patrician, unyielding, and harsh. Whilst the government made some effort to improve campesino peasants' civil rights, rural conditions in Guatemala could not be improved without large scale agrarian reform, proposed as mediated and fairly compensated land redistribution. Failure in achieving this platform was a weakness for Arévalo's administration, which his successor attempted to confront and to remedy.Arévalo was succeeded by Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, who continued the agrarian reform approach of Arévalo's government. Arévalo yielded succession to his presidency openly in 1951 to Jacobo Árbenz in the second democratic election in Guatemala's republican history. Following Árbenz's expulsion in 1954, open democracy would not return to a destabilized Guatemala for three decades. Arévalo went into voluntary exile as a university professor and writer. At the end of March 1963 he returned to his country to announce his candidacy for the November presidential elections. Dictator Miguel Ydigoras flew into exile to Nicaragua within twenty-hours of Arévalo's arrival. Enrique Peralta Azurdia seized power which ended any political return to Guatemala for Arévalo.Juan José served as the Guatemalan ambassador to Chile between 1969 and 1970, and to France between 1970 and 1972.He is the author of a scathing allegorical short story "The Shark and the Sardines," published in 1956. In 1963 he published "Anti-Communism In Latin America," a sequel.,

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 10, 1904
Birth place
Date of deathOctober 08, 1990
Place of death
Guatemala City



Revolutionary Action Party

Juan José Arévalo on Wikipedia