Juan Pereda President

Juan Pereda Asbún (June 17, 1931 – November 25, 2012) was a former military general and dictator of Bolivia (1978). Although he ruled for only four months, his ascent to the presidency marked the beginning of the most unstable period in Bolivian history, with nine presidents in a little over 4 years (1978–1982), in comparison to only one in the previous seven.Born in La Paz on June 17, 1931, Pereda joined the Bolivian armed forces, later becoming part of its nascent Air Force. He led the Military Aviation School and was subsequently appointed Air Force Commander. He served in the dictatorship of Hugo Banzer (1971–78) as Minister of Industry and, in the late 1970s, as Minister of Interior, perhaps the most powerful post in the regime after Banzer himself.When in 1978 the then-dictator decided to call elections after 7 years as de facto leader, he chose General Pereda to run as his surrogate, since the Bolivian constitution does not allow the election of an incumbent president. It was assumed that Pereda would be elected with government "help" at the polls, rule for four years, and then allow Banzer to return as constitutional president once he had time to polish up his image and transition to civilian politics. Apparently, Banzer had second thoughts, for by election time the left-wing coalition of former president Hernán Siles (UDP) was far and away the most popular formula, and little could be done to deny it. Still, massive election fraud was committed and Pereda was declared the winner - until protests paralyzed the country and independent organizations agreed that all exit polls indicated a result quite different from what was being purported. At this point, Banzer annulled the elections, denounced the electoral fraud, and disassociated himself from it altogether, basically blaming Pereda and his closest supporters. He declared he would call elections again within a year or two.He did not foresee the rection of General Pereda, however, who felt used by Banzer as a tool to remain in power. A coup d'état ensued, many military officers having grown tired of the dictator's constant manipulation of the armed forces for his own political ends. After Banzer was forced to leave the Palacio Quemado in July 1978, Pereda was sworn in as president, although not a constitutional one, since the fraud had been so conspicuous that it was plain to see. He did blame Banzer, however, and stated non-comitally that he would call new elections within a reasonable span of time. His lack of clarity in this regard, and his obvious paucity of a coherent government program, proved to be his undoing. After four months in office, General Pereda was overthrown by democratically-oriented officers under the leadership of General David Padilla. Feeling betrayed by everyone (from Banzer to his co-conspirators in the July 1978 coup d'état), at that point Pereda withdrew from public life and never again participated in politics.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 17, 1931
Birth place
Bolivia , La Paz
Date of deathNovember 25, 2012
Place of death
Bolivia , Santa Cruz de la Sierra




Juan Pereda on Wikipedia