Juan Villalonga

Juan Villalonga Navarro (born April 8, 1953) is an influential Spanish businessman. He was a partner at McKinsey & Company in the 1980s, CEO for Credit Suisse First Boston and Bankers Trust in Spain in the early 1990s, and CEO of Telefónica from 1996 to 2000.In 2010, Harvard Business Review named Villalonga one of the world's top 100 CEOs. As of 2011, he is a business advisor for worldwide companies and management teams.

Personal facts

Juan Villalonga
Birth dateApril 08, 1953
Birth nameJuan Villalonga Navarro
Birth place


Juan Villalonga on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.blk-ventures.com/about
  2. http://www.idea.com/it-solutions/Pages/default.aspx