Junko Chodos Artist

Junko Chodos (born 1939) is a contemporary Japanese-American artist residing in the United States. Her works represent a wide variety of techniques and styles, ranging from close, very detailed and painstaking work with pencil, pen, and collage, to more gestural works done with acrylic. In 1998, she coined the term Centripetal Art to describe her work and her philosophy of art.Chodos has had solo exhibitions featured at the Tokyo Central Museum, the Long Beach Museum of Art, the Pasadena Pacific Asia Museum, the Fresno Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art in St. Louis, and numerous other museums and galleries in Japan and in the United States.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1939
Birth place



Field of work
Fine art

Junko Chodos on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.centripetalart.com
  2. http://www.junkochodos.com