Jürg Marquard

Jürg Marquard (born July 13, 1945 in Zurich), the son of a dentist. He attended school in Zurich, where he at a young age became involved in journalism. Having done his leaving certificate (Matura) at the “Kantonsschule” for Economics, Zurich, he launched the youth magazine “POP” with SFR 2'000.- which he borrowed from school friends. This founded the basis of his journalistic and entrepreneurial career.At that time Jürg Marquard already sensed that the flourishing pop and rock culture was not just a fly-by-night phenomenon, but also a strong youth movement with revolutionary potential. He sensed this movement would embrace a large spectrum beyond the music and entertainment industry, such as fashion, lifestyle, culture and that it would even penetrate politics.At the same time as putting his magazine “POP” on the map, Jürg Marquard was also working as a radio and TV presenter, specialising in pop music. He was the first presenter of the Radio-Hit-Parade to achieve great popularity in Switzerland.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 13, 1945
Birth place
Switzerland , Zürich


Jürg Marquard on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.marquard-media.com