Justa and Rufina Saint

Saints Justa and Rufina (Ruffina) (Spanish: Santa Justa y Santa Rufina) are venerated as martyrs. They are said to have been martyred at Hispalis (Seville) during the 3rd century.Only St. Justa (sometimes "Justus" in early manuscripts) is mentioned in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum (93), but in the historical martyrologies (Quentin, "Les martyrologes historiques", 176-77) Rufina is also mentioned, following the legendary Acts. The two saints are highly honored in the medival Hispanic liturgy (also known as Mozarabic Liturgy, although this rite was also practised in Visigothic Spain).La Seo Cathedral (Zaragoza) contains a chapel dedicated to Justa and Rufina. Agost, in Valencia province, is the location of a hermitage dedicated to these saints (Ermita de Santa Justa y Rufina), built in 1821. Toledo also has a church dedicated to them.

Personal facts

Justa and Rufina
Birth dateJanuary 01, 0268
Date of deathJanuary 01, 0287
