Justin Peroff

Justin Peter Papadimitriou (born October 13, 1977), family name changed to Peroff, is best known as the drummer for the Toronto based indie rock collective Broken Social Scene. He is a credited actor, appearing in the major motion picture How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and the Canadian television shows Straight Up and Our Hero. Peroff is a known DJ, playing Broken Social Scene after parties world wide and when stationed in his home town of Toronto, fulfill's bi weekly and monthly DJ gigs at clubs and bars city-wide. Peroff is also an event promoter and artist manager, developing producers such as Harrison via Montreal based management company Common House.

Personal facts

Justin Peroff
Alias (AKA)Peroff Justin
Birth dateOctober 13, 1977
Birth place
Markham Ontario


Justin Peroff on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://maroon.uchicago.edu/voices/articles/2005/10/27/broken_social_scene_.php
  2. http://www.arts-crafts.ca/bss/index.html