Karen Rose Smith Writer

Karen Rose Smith was born in Pennsylvania. Her first romance was published in 1992; her 80th novel, a mystery, will be published in 2013. It is the first in a three-book cozy mystery series. She has written for Meteor/Kismet, Kensington, Silhouette and Harlequin. She has also indie-published novels and short story collections in e-book format. Twice a winner of New Jersey's Golden Leaf Award in Short Contemporary Romance, she has also been honored with CRA's Award Of Excellence for short contemporary, as well as the Golden Quill for Traditional Romance. Her romances have made the USA TODAY list, Border's Bestseller list for Series Romance and Amazon's romance bestseller lists. Married, she spend her days writing, gardening, cooking and keeping her three cats company.

Personal facts

Karen Rose Smith
Kari Sutherland
Birth dateDecember 21, 0019
Birth place
Pennsylvania , United States
United States
