Karomatullo Qurbonov Musical artist

Karomatullo Qurbonov (Tajik: Кароматулло Қурбонов) (November 29, 1961 – October 17, 1992) was a popular pop singer and composer from Tajikistan. On October 17, 1992 Qurbonov and a number of his band members were murdered by gunmen from the Popular Front militia. Qurbonov was one of a number of intellectual and cultural figures murdered during the Tajik Civil War. In 2008 a former member of the Popular Front, Mahmadahdi Nazarov, also known as Makhsum Mahdi, was convicted of Qurbonov's murder.Qurbonov's daughter, Noziyai Karamatullo, is one of the most popular musicians in Tajikistan today.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1961
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1992
