Lee Page Snooker player

Lee Page (born 6 November 1987) is a professional snooker player from Kidderminster. He began his professional career by playing Challenge Tour in 2004, at the time the second-level professional tour. Page first entered Main Tour for the 2006/07 season, but was unable to retain his place for the following season's tour. He qualified for the 2009/10 season, however he was relegated from the circuit at the end of the season. He return to the tour in 2013 after winning a two year card in Q School for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 seasons.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 11, 1987
Birth place
England , Redditch


Snooker player

Career start2004
best finishLast 80 (2006 Northern Ireland Trophy 2007 World Snooker Championship 2010 Welsh Open)
highest break121
highest rank110

Lee Page on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://prosnookerblog.com/players/n-r/lee-page
  2. http://www.global-snooker.com/Lee-Page.asp
  3. http://www.worldsnooker.com/player_list-9877.htm