Lev Aleksandrovich Chugaev Scientist

Lev Aleksandrovich Chugaev (16 October 1873 - 26 September 1922) was a chemist in the Russian Empire. The Chugaev reaction, which he discovered during his work on thujene an terpene, is named after him. He was also active in the field of inorganic chemistry especially Platinum group complexes. In literature he is also known as Leo Aleksandrovich Tschugaeff or Tschugaev.

Personal facts

Lev Aleksandrovich Chugaev
Birth dateOctober 16, 1873
Birth place
Moscow , Russia
Date of deathSeptember 26, 1922
Place of death
Russia , Gryazovets
Moscow State University
Known for
Chugaev elimination


Lev Aleksandrovich Chugaev on Wikipedia