Levi Meyerle Baseball player

Levi Samuel Meyerle (July 1849 – November 4, 1921) was an American Major League Baseball player who played for eight seasons in organized professional league play. During his career he played for the Philadelphia Athletics of the National Association, Cincinnati Reds and Chicago White Stockings of the National League and Keystones of Philadelphia of the Union Association.

Personal facts

Levi Meyerle
Alias (AKA)Meyerle Levi Samuel
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1845
Birth place
Date of deathNovember 04, 1921
Place of death


Baseball player

Career startMay 20, 1871
Career endApril 26, 1884
batting sideRight
former teams
Philadelphia Keystones
Philadelphia Athletics (1860–76)
Chicago Cubs
Philadelphia Keystones
Philadelphia White Stockings
Philadelphia Athletics (1860–76)
Cincinnati Reds (1876–80)
throwing sideRight

Levi Meyerle on Wikipedia