Lou Hardie Baseball player

Louis Winfred Hardie (August 24, 1864 in New York, New York – March 5, 1929 in Oakland, California) is a professional baseball catcher in Major League Baseball from 1884 to 1891. He played for the Chicago White Stockings, Philadelphia Quakers, Boston Beaneaters, and Baltimore Orioles.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 24, 1864
Birth place
New York City
Date of deathMarch 05, 1929
Place of death
Oakland California


Baseball player

Career startMay 22, 1884
Career endAugust 05, 1891
batting sideRight
former teams
Philadelphia Phillies
Baltimore Orioles (19th century)
Atlanta Braves
Chicago Cubs
Philadelphia Phillies
Baltimore Orioles (19th century)
throwing sideUnknown

Lou Hardie on Wikipedia