Lou Say Baseball player

Louis I. Say (February 4, 1854 – June 5, 1930) was an American professional baseball player who played in seven seasons for the Baltimore Marylands, Baltimore Canaries and Washington Nationals of the National Association, the Cincinnati Reds of the National League, Philadelphia Athletics and Baltimore Orioles of the American Association, the Baltimore Monumentals and the Kansas City Cowboys of the Union Association in the early days of Major League Baseball. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland and died in Fallston, Maryland at the age of 76. He was the brother of Jimmy Say.

Personal facts

Lou Say
Birth dateFebruary 04, 1854
Birth place
Date of deathJune 05, 1930
Place of death
Fallston Maryland


Baseball player

Career startApril 14, 1871
Career endOctober 19, 1884
batting sideRight
former teams
Kansas City Cowboys (Union Association)
Baltimore Marylands
Baltimore Orioles (19th century)
Kansas City Cowboys (Union Association)
Philadelphia Athletics (American Association)
Baltimore Canaries
Baltimore Monumentals
Washington Nationals (NA)
Cincinnati Reds (1876–80)
Baltimore Marylands
throwing sideRight

Lou Say on Wikipedia