Lu Xuechang Artist

Lu Xuechang (June 25, 1964 – February 20, 2014) was a sixth generation Chinese film director. One of a new crop of talented filmmakers, Lu directed four feature films beginning with his debut, The Making of Steel in 1997.Like many of his present-day peers, critics have seen elements of foreign filmmakers in Lu's work with Lu himself claiming to enjoy Italian cinema (although he stops short of naming specific influences). Also commensurate to his peers Lu had his share of run-ins with the censors. The Making of Steel, for example, was recut six times before it was allowed to be screened.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 25, 1964
Birth place
Date of deathFebruary 20, 2014



Career started1990
Career ended2014

Lu Xuechang on Wikipedia

External resources
