Mamman Jiya Vatsa Politician

Mamman Jiya Vatsa (3 December 1940 - 5 March 1986) was a Nigerian soldier and writer. He was a Major-General in the Nigerian army, Minister of the Federal Capital Abuja, and a member of the Supreme Military Council. He was executed by the Nigerian Government of Major General Ibrahim Babangida on 5 March 1986 following accusations of his involvement in an abortive coup.Vatsa was also an accomplished poet and writer, publishing eight poetry collections for adults and eleven for children, with titles such as Back Again at Wargate (1982), Reach for the Skies (1984) and Verses for Nigerian State Capitals (1973). His books are about ordinary people's lives and simple creatures, including the pidgin collection Tori for Geti Bow Leg (1981), his cultural picture book in Hausa, Bikin Suna, and a charming picture storybook entitled Stinger the Scorpion (1979).Vatsa was a facilitator and patron of the arts in Nigeria, where he organized writing workshops for his fellow soldiers and their children and got their works published. He helped the Children's Literature Association of Nigeria with funds, built a Writers' Village for the Association of Nigerian Authors, and hosted their annual conferences.The Writers' Village finally became a reality on the 24th of January, 2012, when the National Executive of the Association, led by the President, Prof. Remi Raji, performed a groundbreaking ceremony at the site. The Village has been named in Gen. Vatsa's honour.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 03, 1940
Date of deathMarch 05, 1986
