Marcus Cornish Artist

Marcus Cornish is a contemporary British sculptor. After obtaining a First Class Honours degree in Sculpture at Camberwell School of Art, he went on to gain a Master of Arts degree at the Royal College of Art. A scholarship enabled him to spend time in India, studying the work of traditional Aiyanar potter priests, and his Master's thesis was about their work crafting terracotta horses for Aiyanar shrines in Tamil Nadu. In 1993 he was elected a Member of the Royal British Society of Sculptors.He spent time as official tour artist with the British Army in Kosovo, and again as official tour artist on a diplomatic tour of Eastern Europe by HRH The Prince of Wales. He is an Academic Board member, and occasional tutor, of The Prince's Drawing School - a charitable trust founded by HRH The Prince of Wales that provides a wide range of courses focused on drawing and painting skills.



training at
Camberwell College of Arts
Royal College of Art

Topical connections

Marcus Cornish on Wikipedia