Mariusz Adamski Artist

Mariusz 'Mike' Adamski (born January 10, 1974) is a Polish aerial photographer who has flown many times with the Polish Air Force at Krzesiny Air Base. He is a graduate of the National Defense University in Warsaw, Poland. Adamski's works have been published in books, postage stamps, important journals and aviation publications, such as Aviation Week & Space Technology, Air Forces Monthly and Flight International. He is a part of the team of the aviation magazine Skrzydlata Polska (Wings of Poland). He is a member of ISAP - International Society for Aviation Photography and ZPAF - Związek Polskich Artystów Fotografików (Association of Polish Art Photographers). Adamski is known for shooting aircraft from unusual perspectives such as a runway centerline with takeoff jet wake ruffling his clothes or through air-to-air photography.

Personal facts

Mariusz Adamski
Birth dateJanuary 10, 1974



Field of work
Air-to-air photography

Mariusz Adamski on Wikipedia

External resources
