Matthew Coon Come Politician

Matthew Coon Come (born 1956) is a Canadian politician and activist of Cree descent. He was National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations from 2000 to 2003.Born near Mistissini, Quebec, Coon Come was first educated in a residential school. He later studied political science at Trent University, and law at McGill University.Coon Come was first elected as grand chief and chairman of Quebec's Grand Council of the Crees in 1987. He became known internationally for his efforts to defend the fundamental rights of First Nations peoples, notably in the campaign against the Quebec government's James Bay hydroelectric project.He was awarded with a National Aboriginal Achievement Award in 1995. In 1998 he received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Trent University. In 2000, the University of Toronto also awarded him an honorary Doctor of Laws.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1956
Birth place
Mistissini Quebec , Quebec
