Michael DuHaime Judge

Mike DuHaime (born 1974), a Republican strategist and public affairs executive, is a managing director at Mercury Public Affairs, LLC,a national public affairs firm. He was the chief strategist for the successful campaign of former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie for Governor of New Jersey in 2009. Christie unseated the incumbent, Democrat Jon Corzine, by nearly 100,000 votes. He served as one of ten members of Gov. Christie's transition team and was the chairman of the authorities subcommittee.He managed Rudy Giuliani's campaign for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. He has served as Political Director of the Republican National Committee, as Regional Political Director of President Bush's 2004 re-election campaign, and as Executive Director of the New Jersey Republican State Committee. DuHaime served as Political Director of the Republican National Committee from January 2005 to December 2006, where he become known for his ability to effectively organize on the grassroots level. He is considered a protégé of Republican National Chairman Ken Mehlman, and Terry Nelson.As a Regional Political Director for Bush-Cheney presidential campaign in 2004, DuHaime helped develop the national "get out the vote" and Election Day efforts, and directed the day-to-day campaign operations in 11 northeastern states, which yielded millions more votes for the President in the region and kept John Kerry tied up in his Northeastern base.Prior to working on the Bush campaign, DuHaime worked for Republicans at the local, state and federal level.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1974
Birth place
New Jersey



Rich Beeson

Michael DuHaime on Wikipedia