Michael L. Kurtz

Michael L. Kurtz (born 1941 in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American historian. A Southeastern Louisiana University professor emeritus of history, he is known for his research into the assassination of John F. Kennedy, in which Kurtz has generally supported a theory that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone.In 1995, Kurtz testified on the Kennedy assassination before the Assassination Records Review Board chaired by federal district judge John R. Tunheim.Kurtz has published on other topics of American history, notably the career of Louisiana Governor Earl Kemp Long, co-authored with the late professor Morgan D. Peoples of Louisiana Tech University.Kurtz received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of New Orleans, a Master of Arts from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and a Ph.D. from Tulane University in New Orleans. He is married to the former Isabella Stoddard. The couple has a son, Michael David Kurtz, an attorney, and a daughter, Linda Suzanne Kurtz, a degree-holding registered nurse.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Mike Kurtz
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1941
Birth place
Louisiana , New Orleans , United States
Catholic Church
Tulane University
University of New Orleans
University of Tennessee


Michael L. Kurtz on Wikipedia