Mike Bacsik Baseball player

Michael James Bacsik (/ˈbæsɨk/; born April 1, 1952), was a Major League Baseball pitcher who played most of his career with the Minnesota Twins. Previously, he played with the Texas Rangers, and was invited to spring training with the Seattle Mariners in 1981, but did not make the roster.Bacsik was one of 30 pitchers who pitched to Hank Aaron while Aaron was on 755 home runs, in 1976. Coincidentally, his son, Mike Bacsik, pitched to Barry Bonds when Bonds was on 755 home runs. Aaron went 1 for 2 against the elder Bacsik with a single; Bonds went 3 for 3 against the younger Bacsik with a double, a single and the record-breaking home run. The younger Bacsik would comment, in 2007, "If my dad had been gracious enough to let Hank Aaron hit a home run, we both would have given up 756."

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 01, 1952
Birth place


Baseball player

Career startJune 15, 1975
Career endAugust 09, 1980
batting sideRight
former teams
Minnesota Twins
Texas Rangers (baseball)
Minnesota Twins
Texas Rangers (baseball)
throwing sideRight

Mike Bacsik on Wikipedia