Moe Franklin Baseball player

Murray Asher "Moe" Franklin (April 1, 1914 – March 16, 1978) was a Major League Baseball shortstop who played for the Detroit Tigers in 1941 and 1942. Franklin made his Major League debut on August 12, 1941 and played briefly for the rest of the season, before playing 48 games in 1942. He did not play after that, and finished his short career with 43 hits, 2 home runs, 16 RBI's and a .262 batting average.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 01, 1914
Birth place
Date of deathMarch 16, 1978
Place of death
Harbor City Los Angeles


Baseball player

Career startAugust 12, 1941
Career endSeptember 06, 1942
batting sideLeft
former teams
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Tigers
throwing sideLeft

Moe Franklin on Wikipedia